
Here you will find all the information you need to know before joining Squadraat. If you have any questions, don’t be shy and send an email to

Everything you need to know


€32,- per semester*

With a basic membership, you can join all our tosses. There are a total of four toss hours per week. These tosses take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 20:00 until 22:00. During these tosses you can play free matches against other members. A basic membership also gives you access to all our activities and internal tournaments. Please note that some activities do however require an extra payment in order to take part. This will always be communicated before the activity takes place. A basic membership costs only €32,- per semester*. 

*In order to be applicable for a basic membership you are required to have a valid ACLO card. An SPR membership is insufficient.

Would you also like to have training tailored to your skill level? That is possible for an additional €31,- per semester. During these trainings one of our trainers will teach you everything there is to know about squash and how to get better at your own game. In order to follow training, you do also need to have a basic membership.

When you start training a deposit of €30,- will be automatically withdrawn from you account. This deposit will be refunded once you stop training unless you miss too many trainings without signing off in time.


€31,- extra per semester


€45 extra per year

Do you want to show the world your skills? Squadraat takes part in the Euregio competition. For €45,- per year you can join one of Squadraat’s competition teams. When you sign up for competition you may also join the competition training for free!


If you join a competition team, you will play a match once per month. These matches will take place on a Sunday somewhere in the Northern Netherlands. In order to take part in competitions you are required to have a SBN membership. You can sign up for a SBN membership here. aanmelden voor een SBN-lidmaatschap


Would you like to play competition at beginner level? Since this year, it is now possible to compete in our very own Groregio competition, for as little as €45,- a season, on top of your basic membership costs.

Do you not have your own equipment yet? Not a problem! Squadraat has rackets that you can borrow during the tosses and trainings. We also always have an abundance of different balls to play with. This saves your from having to buy expensive equipment right off the get-go.

Price overview

* It is only possible to join the competition for a full year. The contribution for joining a competition team is €45,- per year.

* For training, we use a deposit system. The deposit is €30,-. If you fail to attend your scheduled training session three times during a semester without signing off before the deadline (12:00 on the same day), the deposit will be withheld.

* Training can mean technical training as well as match training. Be sure to select if you want to receive “0 hours”, “1 hour” or “2 hours” of training a week.

For questions or more information, please ask the board or send an email to