Candidate board announcement

Dear Squadraters,

After the amazing social last Wednesday in the Doos, we are proud to finally announce ourselves as your new candidate board for 2021-2022! Now that COVID-related restrictions are steadily lifted, we are looking forward to a year in which we can start playing more squash as well as organise other fun, non-squash related activities again. The upcoming months, we will focus on writing our policy plan for next year. If you happen to have any fun, fresh ideas, remarks or advice, please do not hesitate to email us via We value your opinion and would like to take your wishes into account. You can always have a chat with us in person during the summer training sessions that (to no one’s surprise) will be held this summer. We are excited, see you at the courts!

Candidate board 2021-2022:

Chair: Willemien Hof

Secretary: Jolijn van der Veen

Treasurer: Karel Bakkeren

Commissioner of internal affairs: Till Weber

Commissioner of external affairs: Jerry Poon