Utrecht Student’s open tournament

Dear Squadraters,

On the 5th of February from 11am until 4pm the next Utrecht Student’s open tournament will be held at All Inn Squash Utrecht (Vlampijpstraat 79, 3534 AR Utrecht). The price will be €12.50 (including lunch).

Unfortunately, the current restrictions say that it is not possible to play squash with other clubs. However, there is a chance this will change on the 25th of January. So we encourage you to sign up for the tournament anyway, and if the rules change then everything will be able to go ahead as planned!

Sign up link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeccOVK9-rCeXT7iFdyBwDP6XgouUHR8d2tKIkX9WGGokXJwg/viewform?usp=sf_link 

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