Squadraat needs you!

…for the 2022 ACLO Athenespelen!

Dear Squadrater, this Thursday and Friday the sports centre will be closed due to the Athenespelen – an event aimed at introducing would-be students (and Squadrateers) to student sports. We need your help to get them acquainted with the best student sport there is: squash! Our fantastic trainer Sebastiaan has already arranged schedules, lunch, T-shirts, drinks and gratitude, but is still looking for people willing to spend a day (or half a day) keeping scores, explaining stuff, looking for squashers and what have you not. It involves the following times:

  • Thursday 19th of May, from 09:00 to 17:00
  • Friday 20th of May, from 08:30 to 15:00

Are you available? Then let Sebastiaan know ASAP!

Kind regards,

The Board (on behalf of Sebastiaan)

P.S.: in case you are thinking of joining a committee or next year’s board: this is the perfect try-out!