Upcoming squash events

Dear Squadraters 💙💛,There are 4 upcoming squash events in April and May.

To summarize:
– The NSK Squash event on the 29th of April. For more information: https://www.squash.nl/…/Nederlands-Studenten…
– Squash tournament organized by ACLO on the 6th of May. Sign up by clicking on this link: https://forms.gle/aoTGUdAfMFb2iLYp6
– Battle of the Cities on the 14th and 15th of May in Rotterdam. Send a mail to extern@squadraat.nl if you want to participate.
– The Quatsh Open on the 21st of May in Eindhoven. Sign up form: https://forms.gle/FjuB3aoFvs2k35Lj