Squadraat Week Tournaments #3

Dear Squadrater,

We’d like to invite you to participate in the third and final week tournaments, as an epic battle to conclude this season!

A few weeks ago we crowned Luna and Christophe Club Champions. Although they can’t lose their well deserved medals, their honour can still be challenged! If their level is out of reach for you, then you might know a Luna or Christophe at your level that you want to have the opportunity to challenge and play against in a tournament one more time.

The tournaments will take place on the following days:

Basic + Advanced : Monday 03/07, 18:00 – 22:00

Intermediate: Tuesday 04/07, 18:00 – 22:00

On Wednesday 05/07 and Thursday 06/07 there won’t be a tournament and there can be training or toss as usual.

Participating is free. Make sure to sign up on time, because there is a limited amount of spots available!

You can register by the following link: https://forms.gle/T3xb1NxZYbCa5ZYQ7.
You can register until Sunday, July 2, 5:00 PM. If you have registered, but you are not able to make it, it is important to let us know.

See you on the courts!

The Tournament committee,

Jasmine, Jeroen, Ashwin and Dennis